Low Carb Meatballs in Creamy Sauce
TOTAL TIME: 25mins
A delicious, quick, hearty, low carb meal - serve with cauli rice or a side of your choice.
How to cook it
500g Beef Mince
1 small onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/4 cup Carbsmart Almond Flour
1 egg
2 tbsp Carbsmart Cold pressed oil
1 tsp Carbsmart BBQ spice
1 tsp Carbsmart Cajun spice
1 tbsp butter
1 sachet Carbsmart Beef & Veg soup
1/2 cup cream
- Add all meatball ingredients, except oil, into a bowl & mix well
- Roll into balls (about 2 tbsp worth per ball)
- Add oil to a pan & sauté a few meatballs at a time, until brown, then remove onto a plate
- To the pan, add butter, once melted, add Beef soup sachet & 250ml rapidly boiling water to the pan, whisk until well mixed, & then add cream, simmer over med-low heat – about 8-12min
- Add meatballs back & simmer for 3-5min until nicely coated.
- Serve with creamy cauli mash & enjoy!